Vinyl Records Performers by Genre - Folk
1. Adams, Douglas
2. Adams, Mary
3. Aileen & Elkin Thomas
4. Alan Lomax / Mainer Band / Almeda Riddle / Mountain Ramblers / Bessie Jones / Jessie Pratcher / Hobart Smith / Others
5. Albion Band
6. Albion Country Band
7. Alex Foster And Michel Larue
8. Allen, Marcus
9. Almeda Riddle
10. Alsop, Peter
11. Amadeo
12. America's Children
13. Andersen, Eric
14. Angelis, Kim
15. Anne-Charlotte Harvey
16. Ansill, Jay
17. Armstrong, Frankie
18. Arnold, Eddy
19. Ashley, Steve
20. Back Porch Majority
21. Baez, Joan
22. Barde
23. Battlefield
24. Battlefield Band
25. Baumgarten, David
26. Beers Family
27. Béla Fleck, Zakir Hussain, Edgar Meyer Featuring Rakesh Chaurasia
28. Belafonte, Harry
29. Bert Jansch & John Renbourn
30. Berta Strom / Victor Nilsson / Svea Jansson / Inger Ploog / Carl Bruce / Others
31. Beth, Karen
32. Biermann, Wolf
33. Bill Spence With Fennig's All-Star String Band
34. Billy Strings
35. Binder, Milo
36. Bishop, Heather
37. Black Prairie
38. Black, Mary
39. Blue Sky Boys / Ernest Tubb / Ted Hawkins Mountaineers / George McCoy / Dixon Brothers / Others
40. Blue Sky Boys / John Bray / Oscar Ford / Hazekiah Jenkins / Others
41. Bluestein, Evo
42. Bogle, Eric
43. Bohn, Buddy / Moro
44. Boys Of The Lough
45. Bragg, Billy
46. Brailoiu, Constantin
47. Brand, Oscar
48. Brandywine Singers
49. Brown, Greg
50. Buckley, Tim
51. Bud & Travis
52. Bud Dashiell / Lynn Gold / Gateway Singers / Others
53. Buddy Miller & Friends
54. Buddy Miller And Jim Lauderdale
55. Buffy Sainte-Marie
56. Burgess Meredith / The Quartertones
57. Buxton
58. Calexico
59. Candy Band / Jeff Beck related
60. Canterbury Country Orchestra
61. Carawan, Guy
62. Cathy Barton & Dava Para
63. Chad Mitchell / Marais And Miranda / Jo March / Others
64. Chad Mitchell Trio
65. Chieftains
66. Chieftains / RTE Concert Orchestra
67. Christian Oller / Jean-Pierre Yvert
68. Cisco Houston / Bess Lomax / Butch Hawes / Pete Seeger / Woody Guthrie
69. City Of Glasgow Police Pipe Band
70. Clemmens, Ginni
71. Cleveland, Shana
72. Clive Gregson & Christine Collister
73. Cohen, Linda
74. Collaer, Paul
75. Collins, Judy
76. Colvin, Shawn
77. Cooder, Ry
78. Cooley, Spade
79. Coughlan, Mary
80. Coulter, Phil
81. Cox, Danny
82. Cross, Mike
83. Csángók, Moldvai
84. Cunningham, Johnny
85. Dalton, Karen
86. Dana Scott And Crown Folk
87. Danks, Rabindra
88. Danny Carnahan & Robin Petrie
89. Dave McCarn / Dixon Brothers / Hart Brothers / Uncle Dave Macon / Slim Smith / Gene Autry / Others
90. Davies, Colyn
91. De Danann
92. Delmhorst, Kris
93. Derroll Adams / Hamish Imlach
94. Digance, Richard
95. Dixon Brothers / Lone Star Cowboys / Grayson & Whitter / Wade Mainer
96. Don Cossack Chorus
97. Donovan
98. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. / Dylan, Bob / Odetta / Joan Baez / John Lewis / Peter, Paul & Mary / Others
99. Dragonsfire
100. Driftwood, Jimmy
101. Dylan, Bob
102. Easy Riders
103. Eberhart, Jonathan
104. Eddie The Sheik Kochak
105. El-Bakkar, Mohammed
106. Eliot Fisk / Paula Robison
107. Ellis Island Old World Folk Band
108. Ellis, Robert
109. Elmo & Patsy & The Turkey River Boys / South Loomis Quickstep Band / Oak, Ash And Thorn / Old Mother Logo / Others
110. Eric Bogle With John Munro & Brent Miller
111. Ernst, Cheryl
112. Essig, Dave
113. Ever Call Ready / Chris Hillman
114. Fahey, John
115. Faier, Billy
116. Fairport Convention
117. Felix, Julie
118. Fern Knight
119. Fjell, Judy
120. Flairck
121. Flanders, William
122. Flower, Robin
123. Flying Mountain
124. Folkdance Underground
125. Folkniks / Tommy Tedesco Related
126. Franke, Bob
127. Fraser & deBolt
128. Fred Neil / Phil Ochs / Judy Collins / Judy Henske / Others
129. Friend & Lover
130. Fula / Boa
131. Gallagher & Lyle
132. Gaughan, Dick
133. Gauthier, Mary
134. Geremia, Paul
135. Gerrard, Alice
136. Gilkyson, Lisa
137. Gillette, Steve
138. Glazer, Joe
139. Gleizer, Natan
140. Golden Bough
141. Gonzalez, Jose
142. Goodman, Steve
143. Goran, Ulf
144. Gordon Bok / Ann Mayo Muir / Ed Trickett
145. Gordon Bok, Ann Mayo Muir & Ed Trickett
146. Gosdin, Vern
147. Graham, Davey
148. Graham, Davy
149. Greenbriar Boys
150. Grossman, Stefan
151. Groupe Folklorique Vigneron / Andre Dubois
152. Grupo Raiz
153. Guthrie, Arlo
154. Guthrie, Woody
155. Guthrie, Woody / Yarrow, Peter / Seals & Crofts / Doug Dillard / Others
156. Guymon, Linda / Barney Kessel
157. Haggard, Merle
158. Hammond, Bennett
159. Hank Williams Jr.
160. Hanks, Larry
161. Happy Traum
162. Hardin, Tim
163. Harp
164. Heaps-Nelson, George
165. Hedge & Donna Capers
166. Hellman, Neal
167. Henske, Judy
168. Hester, Carolyn
169. Hills, Anne
170. Holly Golightly & The Brokeoffs
171. Holy Modal Rounders
172. Houston, Cisco
173. Hunter, Tom
174. Huntington, Kay
175. Hurley, Michael
176. Ian & Sylvia
177. Ian, Janis
178. Incredible String Band
179. Indenbaum, Arthur
180. Irish Rovers
181. Isbell, Jason
182. Jack De Mello Orchestra
183. Jacob's Reunion
184. Jacques Jangoux / Ixil Indians / Chuji Indians
185. Jacqui And Bridie
186. James, John
187. Jamie Snider / Bill Garrett / Curly Boy Stubbs / Tamarack / Eileen McGann / Tex Konig / Others
188. Jenkins, Ella
189. Jenks, Dan
190. Jerry Read Smith / Tom Fellenbaum
191. Jim Helms / Art Podell (Jim & Art)
192. Jim Kweskin & The Jug Band
193. Jimenez, Queta
194. Jo Anne Haynes
195. Joan Baez / Jackson Browne / Maria Muldaur / Others
196. John & Peggy Corzine
197. John Kirkpatrick And Sue Harris
198. John McCutcheon / Si Kahn
199. Johnson, Chuck
200. Johnson, Fats
201. Johnstons
202. Jones, Fern
203. Jones, Glenn
204. Josh White Jr.
205. Juice Newton & Silver Spur
206. June, Valerie
207. Juravich, Tom
208. Kahn, Si
209. Kallas, Johnny / Kip Dobler / Sunshine Glidden
210. Kaplan, Artie
211. Karen Leigh Williams / Rick Ruskin
212. Keith And Rusty McNeil
213. Kevin Vicalvi With Denis De La Gorgendiere
214. Kilberg, Lionel
215. Kim And Reggie Harris Group
216. Kingston Trio
217. Klezmorim / R. Crumb
218. Kriyananda
219. Kweskin, Jim
220. La Marimba Chiapas
221. Laing, David
222. Lang, Peter
223. Lee, Katie
224. Lems, Kristin
225. Leo Roth / Leipzig Synagogue Choir / Werner Buschnakowski
226. Les Baxter's Balladeers / Yachtsmen / Jim & Jean / Chloe Marsh
227. Les Djinns Singers
228. Les Troubadours
229. Les Troubadours Des Hauts-Plateaux
230. Lev / Mark Levy
231. Lev/Mark Levy
232. Levee Singers
233. Lille Bror Söderlundh / Bengt Hallberg
234. Lillebjorn & Steinar
235. Lind, Bob
236. Lindisfarne
237. Lomax, Alan / Dupree Family
238. Lone Star Cowboys / Carter Family / Papa Charlie Jackson / Jimmie Davis / Others
239. Long, Larry
240. Los Mayas Peninsulares
241. Lou & Peter Berryman / Garrison Keillor Related
242. Loudermilk, John D.
243. Lu-Sheng Ensemble
244. Luebeck German Sailors Chorus
245. Lui Pui-Yuen
246. Lulu Belle And Scotty
247. Lumineers
248. M. Ward
249. MacColl, Ewan
250. MacColl, Ewan / Peggy Seeger
251. MacDonell, Parker
252. Maddy Prior And Answers
253. Mader, Laszlo / Laszlo Maraz
254. Madisen Ward And The Mama Bear
255. Maggie And Terre Roche
256. Magpie
257. Maguire, Charlie
258. Máire Ní Chathasaigh
259. Makeba, Miriam
260. Malcolm Dalglish & Grey Larsen
261. Malcolm Dalglish / Grey Larsen
262. Malvina Reynolds
263. Mapache
264. Marcus Allen / Jon Bernoff / Teja Bell / Dallas Smith
265. Maria Teresa De Noronha / Manuel Vicente / Others
266. Marie-Lynn Hammond
267. Marilyn Child / Glenn Yarbrough
268. Marin Chiser / Costache Florea / Iliuta Rudareanu / Others
269. Marr'Del
270. Masten, Ric
271. McBride, Martina
272. McCabe, Tim
273. McCaffrey, Leo
274. McClatchy, Debby
275. McClure, John
276. McCormack, John
277. McCutcheon, John
278. McIlwaine, Ellen
279. McKenna, Joe And Antoinette
280. McMurtry, James
281. Members Of The Federal Music Society
282. Metoyer, Herb
283. Michael & Tamara
284. Mike St. Shaw Trio
285. Mikis Theodorakis / Maria Farandouri
286. Milsap, Ronnie
287. Mimi & Richard Fariña
288. Mitchell, Chad
289. Monypeny, Derek
290. Moondog
291. Moore, Christy
292. Morgan, Geof
293. Morganmasondowns
294. Morin And Wilson
295. Morley, Bob
296. Moro
297. Moser, Artus
298. Mount Moriah
299. Moustaki & Flairck
300. Murari Band
301. Murdoch, Bruce
302. Nathaniel Rateliff And The Night Sweats
303. Near, Holly
304. Nelson, Willie
305. New Lost City Ramblers
306. Newbury, Mickey
307. Nick T. Ciampi
308. Noel Paul Stookey
309. Nolan, Faith
310. Northern Lights / Abba Related
311. O'Donovan, Aoife
312. Ochs, Phil
313. Odessa Balalaikas
314. Odetta
315. Oglesby, Carl
316. Oldfield, Mike
317. Oranim Zabar Israeli Troupe / Geula Gill
318. Ornadel, Cyril / Starlight Symphony
319. Ortiz, Alfredo Rolando
320. Osborne, Joan
321. Ostiz, Maria
322. Owen, Judith
323. Page, Jim
324. Parlour Quartet
325. Pat And Sandy
326. Patrick Couton / Georges Fischer
327. Pattersons
328. Paxton, Tom
329. Peasants All / Philip Astle & Paul Williamson
330. Pelham, Ruth
331. Periwinkle
332. Pete Seeger / Bess Lomax / Butch Hawes / Woody Guthrie
333. Pete Seeger / Jane Sapp / Si Kahn
334. Pete Seger / Memphis Slim / Willie Dixon
335. Peter, Paul & Mary
336. Petric, Faith
337. Phranc
338. Plainsmen
339. Polynesian Cultural Center
340. Price, Ray
341. Prine, John
342. Puckett, Riley
343. Puka, Bill
344. Rainer Ptacek / Giant Sand / Robert Plant & Jimmy Page / Emmylou Harris / Madeline Peyroux / Others
345. Rajter, Dunja
346. Randy Burns And The Sky Dog Band
347. Rebroff, Ivan
348. Red, Charlie
349. Relativity
350. Renbourn, John
351. Reynolds, Malvina
352. Reynolds, Malvina / Byrds
353. Rhines, Marie
354. Rhoads, Mary
355. Richard Dyer-Bennet
356. Richman, Trudie
357. Robert Ivan Foster / Nina Walker / Tryphena Partridge
358. Robeson, Paul
359. Robin Petrie & Danny Carnahan
360. Robinson, Earl
361. Robinson, Earl / Woody Guthrie / Others
362. Roger Welsch / Terry Schmitt
363. Rogers, Sally
364. Rooftop Singers
365. Rose, Tim
366. Round Pond
367. Rush, Tom
368. Russ Barenberg / Country Cooking
369. Ruth Barrett & Cyntia Smith
370. Sam Hinton / Johnnie Walker / Frankie Armstrong / Sam Chatmon / Utah Phillips / Others
371. Sapp, Jane
372. Sarah Bethe Nelson
373. Schenkerman, Rabbi Robert
374. Sean McAloon / John Rea
375. Second Generation / II Generation
376. Seeger, Mike / Ry Cooder / Others
377. Seeger, Peggy / Ewan MacColl
378. Seeger, Pete
379. Seeger, Pete / Jack Elliott / Ed McCurdy / Harry Jackson / Carolyn Hester / Charlie Byrd / Others
380. Serrano, Irma
381. Setchko, Kip
382. Sharp, Randy
383. Sharpe, Jacqueline
384. Sharron Kraus
385. Sheer, Anita
386. Shelby Lynne / Allison Moorer
387. Sherman, Alan
388. Siskind, Sarah
389. Skansens Spelmanslag / Ingegard Kall
390. Skylark
391. Smith, Tom
392. Smith, Winifred
393. Solipsistics
394. Sparks, Randy
395. Staff, Bernt
396. Stampfel, Peter & The Bottle Cap / Maggie & Terre Roche Related
397. Stampley, Joe
398. Steele, Bill
399. Steeleye Span
400. Steve Martin And Edie Brickell
401. Stevens, Jonathan
402. Stevens, Stu
403. Stewart, Andy
404. Stitt, Duncan
405. Stivell, Alan
406. Stobaeus, Kristin
407. Stonemans
408. Strauss, Herb / Mundell Lowe
409. Stromberg, Bob
410. Sufjan Stevens & Angelo De Augustine
411. Sukay
412. Sulu / Janet Bieber
413. Sweet Corn / Bessie Jones / Barbara Carns / Tom KInes / Don LIndsay & Bill Drennen / Marshall Dodge / Others
414. Sweet Honey In The Rock
415. Sykes, Paul
416. Tabor, June
417. Tarso, Ignacio López
418. Taylor, Susan
419. Thompson, Richard
420. Tiffany Singers
421. Tir Na Nog
422. Tolliver, Joan
423. Tom Napper And Alistair Russell
424. Tom T. Hall
425. Touchstone
426. Townes Van Zandt
427. Transcendental Sisters Of St. Francis
428. Trapezoid
429. Traum, Artie
430. Travers, Mary
431. Trigo, Guadalupe
432. Tríona Ní Dhomhnaill
433. Trummors
434. Turner, Pierce
435. Turner, Ron
436. Twin Tide
437. Ukiah
438. Uncle Dave Macon With The Fruit Jar Drinkers
439. Uncle Lionel / Lionel Kilberg
440. Unknown Artist
441. Up With People
442. Uzilevsky, Marcus
443. Various
444. Various Artists
445. Vedernikov / All-Union Radio Large Chorus / L. Zykina / Pyatnitsky Chorus
446. Vienna Boy's Choir
447. Von Schmidt, Eric
448. Vuylsteke, Michel
449. Wade, Morgan
450. Walden, Lois
451. Washington Squares
452. Watersons
453. Watkins, Sara
454. Wayside Trio
455. Weary Brothers
456. Weaver, Ben
457. Weavers
458. Western Wind
459. Westwind International Folk Ensemble
460. White, Josh
461. White, Josh Jr.
462. Whittaker, Roger
463. Wilcox, Jon
464. Williams, Dar
465. Willie Clancy / Sean O' Conaire / Sean O' Ceallaigh
466. Wilson, Joemy
467. Wini Beatty With Rhett Fink And The Folkniks
468. Winnie Winston & Hank Davis
469. Winters, Tim
470. Wolf, Kate
471. Woods Band (Gay & Terry Woods)
472. Woody Guthrie / Cisco Houston
473. Woody Guthrie / Peter Yarrow / Seals & Crofts / Doug Dillard / Others
474. Yoakam, Dwight
475. Young, Neil
476. Yuyachifca
477. Zareska, Eugenia
478. Zentz, Bob
479. Zifroni, Uri
179648 Items in DB