Vinyl Records Performers by Genre - Punk

1. 400 Blows 2. 440's
3. 999 4. Action Swingers
5. Agnew, Rick 6. Alleged Gunmen
7. Angry Samoans 8. ANS
9. Antiseen 10. Autistic Behavior
11. Bizarros 12. Black Sunday
13. Blackout 14. Blanc Estoc
15. Blown To Bits / Deatholl 16. Blown To Bits / Deathtoll
17. Boozers 18. Bottomfeeders
19. Brat 20. Bristles
21. Brown Lobster Tank 22. Bulemics
23. Business / Blitz / Partisans / Peter & The Test Tube Babies 24. Buzzcocks
25. Buzzkill 26. C*nts
27. Candy Snatchers / Jet Bumpers / Stisism / ADZ / Furious George / Pleasure Fuckers / Sonic Dolls / Various Others 28. Christ On Parade
29. Cock Sparrer 30. Combo Slab
31. Computer Cougar 32. Conditionz
33. Conquest For The Death 34. Contaminators
35. Cost 36. Crispus Attucks
37. Cruddy / Golden Boys / Flesh Lights / Air Traffic Controllers / Others 38. Crusaders
39. D.O.A. 40. D.S.-13 / Pushead Related
41. D.S.-13* / Pushead Related 42. Dahl, Jeff
43. Damned 44. Deadline
45. Dehumanizers 46. Dickies
47. Discarga 48. Discipline
49. Discolokosst 50. Disorder
51. Distraction 52. Divisia
53. Doggy Style 54. Downtown Boys
55. Dropkick Murphys / Slang / Tom & Bootboys / A Poor Excuse 56. Duchess Of Saigon / Sexy Prison / Klondike & York / Guinea Worms / Others
57. Dwarves 58. Everything Must Go
59. Fearless Leader 60. Feedtime
61. Felix Culpa 62. Field Trip
63. Fleshies 64. For The Win
65. For The Worse 66. Forfeit
67. Front 68. Furious George / Yellow Scab / Lunch Ladies / Stisism / Helldevils / Electric Frankenstein / Various Others
69. Generators 70. Gila Monster
71. Gloryholes / Peter Bagge Related 72. Green River
73. Helicopter 74. Holy Mountain
75. Hot Snakes 76. Iggy And The Stooges
77. Inoculators 78. Jack Killed Jill
79. Jello Biafra And The Guatanamo School Of Medicine 80. Jenny Piccolo
81. Jerry's Kids 82. Juvinals
83. Karl S. Blue And His Magic Quells 84. Knights Of The New Crusade
85. Lap Jaw 86. Legal Weapon
87. Lemonheads 88. Lethal Gospel
89. Livingstons 90. Look Back And Laugh
91. Looters / Penelope Houston / Beatnigs / Don Bajema / Yeastie Girlz 92. Love Canal
93. Lowtalker 94. Manifesto Jukebox
95. Max And The Makeups 96. Meatmen
97. Megatones 98. Mekanik Destruktiw Komandoh
99. Membranes 100. Men With Chips
101. Menzingers 102. Misfits
103. Moby & The Void Pacific Choir 104. Molotow Soda
105. Mortal Micronotz 106. Mutants
107. New Wave Hookers 108. Nomads
109. Nomind 110. Nuns
111. Oppressed Logic 112. Otway, John / Wild Willy Barrett
113. Out Cold 114. Pandemonium / Indirekt / Funeral Oration / Others
115. Pay Neuter 116. Penetration
117. Pere Ubu / U-Men 118. Personality Crisis
119. Pineal Ventana 120. Pink Swords
121. Pisspoor / Ungrateful 122. Plasmatics
123. Plugz 124. Pop Will Eat Itself
125. Psycho Daisies 126. Psycho Tribe
127. Public Humilation 128. Public Image Ltd. / PIL
129. Quitters / Surrounded By Thieves / Mercy Music / Sounds Of Threat 130. Radwaste
131. Raszebrae 132. Ravers
133. Red Lorry Yellow Lorry 134. Red Tape
135. Reproach 136. Resurrectionists
137. Rezillos 138. RF7
139. Rotters 140. Runnamucks
141. S.C.A. 142. Sayyadina
143. Screamin' Mee-Mees 144. Sidekicks
145. Skels 146. Skull Crusher
147. Slang 148. Social Distortion
149. Spaceshits 150. Splash 4
151. Squits / Vikings / Zmiv / Stanx / Zweetkutten / Glorious Death / Lärm / Knåx / LàResistance 152. Stisism
153. Stitches 154. Stitches / Spasms / Smog Town / Temporal Sluts
155. Strung Up 156. Stump Wizards
157. Suicide Blitz 158. Superchunk
159. Swamp Thing / Violent Femmes Related 160. Symbolick Jews
161. Synth, Billy 162. Tear It Up
163. Tear It Up / ExTxA 164. Temporal Sluts
165. Ten Bright Spikes 166. Terminus City
167. Terveet Kadet 168. Th' Inbred
169. Thee Headcoats 170. Thirteen Nightmares
171. Tokyo Sex Destruction 172. Trotsky Icepick
173. Turn It Offs 174. Unit Pride
175. Urchin 176. Urinals / Arrow Book Club / Vidiots
177. Vandals 178. Versoma
179. Vicious Circle 180. Voodoo Idols
181. Walter Lure & The Waldos 182. Wankys
183. Wartorn 184. Weaklings
185. Weirdos 186. White Shit
187. Wolfpack 188. X
189. X-Ray Spex 190. Youth Of Today

181988 Items in DB



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